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Boston Architectural College - 320 Newbury Street - Boston MA 02115 - USA

Nov 19, 2009

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Designing Together / Diseñando Juntos

Nov 19, 2009

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Each studio cycle consisted of:

• A Cuban arts and culture seminar taught by Prof. Luis Aponte-Parés in Boston one semester before the studio;

• On-site instruction on Cuba’s architectural history during a ten-day trip to Havana just before the starting the studio;

• Two workshops in Havana by mixed BAC / CUJAE teams during that same trip;

• A formal studio to elaborate concepts into final designs in both Boston and Havana;

• Sharing ongoing results of the studios in Boston and Havana by e-mail; and

• Separate, final reviews in both Boston and Havana with participation in both by BAC and CUJAE instructors.

Each studio was open to advanced students from both schools.  Its travel component was also open to practicing professionals from the BAC community wanting to conduct independent research on Cuban architecture.

Collaboration began with instructors from BAC and CUJAE meeting in Havana about six months before each studio to choose a problem and site there and to create a syllabus and work plan. 

The three problems, and their associated sites, were:

• A museum of Cuban Architecture on El Paseo del Prado;

• A Plaza Mercado near the Almedares River in El Vedado; and

• A hotel across from Plaza del Cristo in La Habana Vieja.

BAC Websitehttp://www.the-bac.edu/